Abuse is a tactic used to exert power over others.
Physical Abuse can include, and is not limited to
- slapping
- grabbing
- punching
- choking
- shaking
- beating
- assault with a weapon
“When I was six years old my mom slapped and threw me into the wall because I accidentally spilled my juice.”
Verbal Abuse can include, and is not limited to:
- yelling
- screaming
- name-calling
- making fun of, or mocking the victim
- deliberately saying hurtful things to someone
“My mom always yells at my 85 year old grandma and calls her bad names if she asks for help.”
Sexual Abuse can include, and is not limited to:
- unwanted touching
- forcing or manipulating someone to participant in unsafe or unwanted sexual acts
- forcing someone to look at, or participate in pornography
“My boyfriend forces me to perform sexual acts against my will.”
Emotional Abuse can include, and is not limited to:
- name calling or mocking especially about sensitive issues
- making someone feels bad or hurt
- cheating or being overly jealous
- making you feel whatever you say is not important
“My friend constantly tells his sister she is stupid and that she was a mistake when she was born.”
Psychological Abuse can include, and is not limited to:
- Withholding information
- Keeping someone away from friends and family
- Controlling what you can and cannot do
“My dad yells and hits my mom if dinner is not completely ready when he gets home.”
Other can include, and is not limited to:
- financial
- bullying
- spiritual
“My co-worker always minimizes and ridicules someone else’s spiritual beliefs.”